Dev Yourself

Your own personal coding bootcamp.

All you need to become a serious web developer, in a project-based curriculum designed for a diversity of learning styles.


Fullstack Javascript

Deep dive lesson preview

To become a software engineer you need to learn a programming language. Javascript is a good first language for numerous reasons: it's the language of the web, and the web is everywhere.

You can make a wide variety things with it. There are well known and respected APIs, websites, desktop apps, and mobile apps written in Javascript.

The Dev Yourself curriculum focuses exclusively on JS for this reason (at least for now).

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Diversity of Resources

Tutorial lesson preview

Made by a person who hated school and loves learning, I know how important it is to teach to a variety of learning styles. That's why you get:

  • Step by step tutorials
  • Long form deep dives
  • Boiler plate code repos
  • Kanban boards to stay organized for larger projects
  • Videos

And other features to help you get into the flow of writing code as uch and as easily as possible.

See for yourself


Kanban board preview

Dev Yourself's curriculum is as project-based as possible, with a combination of mini and larger projects depending on what's more conducive to the topic.

Larger projects have organizational boards (see left), with pre-made tickets to help you break down larger more abstract tasks into actionable steps and track your own progress.

Get started

Getting Started

How to get started

All you need is a computer running Windows, Linux, or Mac OS, and an internet connection (which you definitely have if you're reading this).

You are not expected to have any prior knowledge about coding.

The first Module (bundle of lessons) is free. It's a little bit more content than you'd find in a bootcamp prep course, which typically costs in the $100-$500 range.

Enter the app

Why'd I build this?

Video lesson preview

I'm a software engineer whose worked at large and small companies (yes FAANG included). I've lead teams, taught, and mentored in some of those roles. It brings me joy teaching a skill that's changed my life.

In 2022 I decided the next chapter of my career should be focused on teaching and I went full time into doing this thing that I love. I made the site because although I enjoy working with student's 1-on-1, I only have so much time. I want to reach as many curious minds as possible so this site is a way to dump my knowledge on the internet.

Start learning